여기에서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 Speed와 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
moving or happening at an extremely dangerous or fast speed
미친 듯이 빠른, 위험한 속도의
done with speed or efficiency
빠른, 익스프레스
quick and light in movement or action
민첩한, 날렵한
happening at a swift pace
재빠르게, 빨리
moving or progressing at an extremely high speed
재빠른, 빠른
having a speed greater than that of sound
초음속의, 초음파의
moving or happening extremely quickly
번개처럼 빠른, 신속한
done very quickly without wasting time or resources
신속한, 빠른
at the maximum speed
최대 속도로, 전속력으로
intentionally delaying or slow to act
지연시키는, 느린
moving in a slow, effortless, and attractive manner
느리게, 나른한
moving or progressing slowly and with great effort
느린, 힘든
sluggish or falling behind in progress, development, or pace compared to others
처지는, 느린
to reduce in speed
속도를 줄이다, 완화하다
to speed up or facilitate the progress of an action or task
가속하다, 촉진하다
to surpass, exceed, or move faster than someone or something
능가하다, 제치다