일반 교육 IELTS (밴드 8 이상) - 인간의 특성
여기에서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 인간 특성과 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
showing sensibility and wisdom, especially in avoiding risks or making decisions

신중한, 현명한

failing to act with the appropriate level of care or attention, often resulting in harm or damage to others

태만한, 부주의한

refusing or rejecting something with a feeling of superiority or contempt

경멸적인, 얕잡아 보는

(of a person) likely to change their mind or feelings in a senseless manner too frequently

변덕스러운, 불안정한

characterized by an excessive or self-centered focus on one's own interests, needs, or desires

이기적인, 자기중심적인

showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for the feelings or suffering of others

무심한, 냉혹한

having a distrustful or negative outlook, often believing that people are motivated by self-interest

냉소적인, 회의적인

stubborn and unwilling to change one's behaviors, opinions, views, etc. despite other people's reasoning and persuasion

고집이 센, 완고한