
일반 교육 IELTS (밴드 8 이상) - 신체 언어 및 제스처

여기에서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 신체 언어 및 제스처와 관련된 영어 단어를 배웁니다.









학습 시작
Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (8)
to guffaw

to laugh loudly and heartily, especially when something is very funny

큰 소리로 웃다

큰 소리로 웃다

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to wring one's hands

to twist and rub one's hands together out of distress or worry

손을 비비다

손을 비비다

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to pout

to push out one's lips as an expression of displeasure, anger, or sadness

슬픔을 표현하는 표정

슬픔을 표현하는 표정

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to cross one's legs

to place one leg over the other, either while sitting or standing

다리를 서로 포개고 앉아 있는 것

다리를 서로 포개고 앉아 있는 것

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to facepalm

to cover one's face with one's hand, particularly the palm, often as an expression of frustration, embarrassment, or disbelief

손바닥을 얼굴에 대고

손바닥을 얼굴에 대고

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to fidget

to make small, restless movements or gestures due to nervousness or impatience

끊임없이 안절부절 못 할 때

끊임없이 안절부절 못 할 때

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to writhe

to struggle and make turning and twisting movements in an attempt to break free

탈출하려고 애쓰는 중

탈출하려고 애쓰는 중

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to blow a raspberry

to make a buzzing or vibrating sound by blowing air through a curled tongue between the lips, often as a sign of playful teasing

입술을 사용하여 무례한 소리를 내는 것

입술을 사용하여 무례한 소리를 내는 것

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to wince

to show a facial expression that signifies shame or pain

표정을 통해 혐오감이나 싫어함을 표현

표정을 통해 혐오감이나 싫어함을 표현

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to flutter one's eyelashes

to blink quickly in a way that gets someone's attention, often done to show interest or flirt

빠르게 깜박일 때

빠르게 깜박일 때

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to squirm

to move in an uncomfortable or restless manner with twisting or contorted motions



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