'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 참여 및 상황별 조치(Take)
"기회를 가져라", "현장에 나가다" 등 참여와 상황에 따른 행동을 표현하는 데 사용되는 'Take'가 포함된 영어 배열을 살펴보세요.
to use something for personal gain in an unfair or dishonest manner
to make use of a situation, opportunity, or resource in a way that benefits oneself or achieves a desired outcome
to unfairly use or manipulate another person for one's own benefit, often in a selfish or deceitful manner
to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person
(of an action, process, or change) to begin to produce the intended results or outcome
to strongly disagree or object to something because it is offensive or incorrect
to write down or record information, typically in a brief or concise form, to remember it or refer to it later
to feel a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction because of someone's achievements or something's qualities