
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 참여 및 상황별 조치(Take)

"기회를 가져라", "현장에 나가다" 등 참여와 상황에 따른 행동을 표현하는 데 사용되는 'Take'가 포함된 영어 배열을 살펴보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to take a chance

to undertake an action, often involving risk or uncertainty

위험을 감수하다

위험을 감수하다

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to take a risk

to decide to do something that may result in something unpleasant or dangerous

위험을 감수하다

위험을 감수하다

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to take advantage of sth

to use something for personal gain in an unfair or dishonest manner

부정직한 방법으로 무언가를 이용하다

부정직한 방법으로 무언가를 이용하다

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to take advantage of sth

to make use of a situation, opportunity, or resource in a way that benefits oneself or achieves a desired outcome

뭔가를 이용해서

뭔가를 이용해서

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to take advantage of sb

to unfairly use or manipulate another person for one's own benefit, often in a selfish or deceitful manner

누군가를 속이는 행위

누군가를 속이는 행위

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to take one's advice

to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person

누군가의 조언을 듣고

누군가의 조언을 듣고

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to take a test

to participate in and complete an examination or assessment

시험에 참여하다

시험에 참여하다

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to take care of sb/sth

to care for someone, help them, or keep them safe

누군가를 경계하고 있다

누군가를 경계하고 있다

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to take care of sb/sth

to deal with a task, problem, etc.

뭔가를 성공적으로 처리하다

뭔가를 성공적으로 처리하다

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to take cover

to seek or find shelter or protection during a dangerous or threatening situation



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to take delight in

to experience great pleasure, satisfaction, or joy from something

무언가를 즐기고 있다

무언가를 즐기고 있다

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to take effect

(of an action, process, or change) to begin to produce the intended results or outcome

충분히 효과적이다

충분히 효과적이다

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to take effect

(of a rule, law, or policy) to officially become valid and enforceable

법이 시행될 때

법이 시행될 때

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to take exception

to strongly disagree or object to something because it is offensive or incorrect

어떤 것에 대해 강하게 동의하지 않는다

어떤 것에 대해 강하게 동의하지 않는다

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to take heart

to find encouragement or hope in a challenging situation

도전적인 일을 할 만큼 용감하다

도전적인 일을 할 만큼 용감하다

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to take issue

to argue or disagree with someone over something

누군가의 의견에 동의하지 않음

누군가의 의견에 동의하지 않음

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to take it easy

to try to be calm and relaxed and possibly rest

조용하고 편안하다

조용하고 편안하다

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to take a note

to write down or record information, typically in a brief or concise form, to remember it or refer to it later

뭔가를 쓰고

뭔가를 쓰고

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to take notice

to become aware of someone or something and pay them attention

주의를 기울이다

주의를 기울이다

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to take part

to participate in something, such as an event or activity

뭔가에 참여

뭔가에 참여

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to take place

to occur at a specific time or location



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to take one's place

to assume someone's role, position, or responsibilities

자리를 차지하다

자리를 차지하다

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to take pride in sb/sth

to feel a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction because of someone's achievements or something's qualities

자신의 성취를 자랑스러워함

자신의 성취를 자랑스러워함

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to take priority

to be considered as more urgent or significant than something else

더 긴급하거나 중요한 일

더 긴급하거나 중요한 일

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to take the field

(of a sports team or individual player) to enter the playing area or arena to begin a game or match

경기장에 입장하다

경기장에 입장하다

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to take the offer

to agree to or accept a proposal, opportunity, or arrangement

제안을 수락

제안을 수락

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