'Make- Take- Have' İfadeleri - Katılım ve Durumsal Eylemler (Al)
"Şansını dene" ve "sahaya çık" gibi katılımı ve durumsal eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılan 'Al' ile İngilizce eşdizimleri keşfedin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to undertake an action, often involving risk or uncertainty

riske girmek, şansını denemek
to decide to do something that may result in something unpleasant or dangerous

risk almak
to use something for personal gain in an unfair or dishonest manner
to make use of a situation, opportunity, or resource in a way that benefits oneself or achieves a desired outcome

faydalanmak (bir şeyden)
to unfairly use or manipulate another person for one's own benefit, often in a selfish or deceitful manner

birisinden faydalanmak
to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person

akıl danışmak
to care for someone, help them, or keep them safe

bakımını üstlenmek
to seek or find shelter or protection during a dangerous or threatening situation

(of an action, process, or change) to begin to produce the intended results or outcome

etkisini göstermek
to strongly disagree or object to something because it is offensive or incorrect
to write down or record information, typically in a brief or concise form, to remember it or refer to it later
to feel a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction because of someone's achievements or something's qualities