
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 생애 주요 사건(있음)

"have a travel", "have a moment"와 같이 라이브 이벤트에 사용되는 'Have'를 사용하여 영어 배열에 대해 알아보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to have sex

to engage in sexual activities or intercourse with another person

누군가와 섹스를 하다

누군가와 섹스를 하다

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to have peace

to experience a state of calm, quite, with conflict or disturbance

조용하고 편안하다

조용하고 편안하다

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to have an exam

to undergo a formal assessment or test to evaluate one's knowledge or skills in a particular subject or field

시험에 참여하다

시험에 참여하다

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to have a vacation

to take time off from work or daily routines to relax and enjoy a break often in a different location

휴가를 가다

휴가를 가다

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to have a try

to attempt something often for the first time

처음으로 뭔가를 하려고 해

처음으로 뭔가를 하려고 해

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to have a trip

to go on vacation, often for fun or exploration

여행을 가다

여행을 가다

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to have a think

to think about something before making a decision

뭔가를 철저하게 고려하다

뭔가를 철저하게 고려하다

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to have a run

to engage in a short session of running or jogging for exercise or leisure

일정한 속도로 달리는 중

일정한 속도로 달리는 중

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to have a moment

to pause briefly or give a short period of time for a specific activity

활동을 잠시 일시 중지

활동을 잠시 일시 중지

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to have a lecture

to attend or listen to an educational talk or presentation typically given by an expert or instructor

강의를 듣고

강의를 듣고

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to have a journey

to go on a trip, often to explore new places or experiences

여행을 가다

여행을 가다

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to have a fight

to argue or physically confront someone in an angry or aggressive manner

누군가와 말다툼하다

누군가와 말다툼하다

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to have a drill

to practice military activities or exercises to prepare for real-life situations

군사 전술 연습

군사 전술 연습

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to have a dispute

to engage in a disagreement or conflict with someone

누군가와 의견 차이가 있는 것

누군가와 의견 차이가 있는 것

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to have a career

to pursue a profession as a way of earning money

직업을 추구하다

직업을 추구하다

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to have a baby

to give birth to a child

아기를 낳다

아기를 낳다

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to have an easy time

to not experience difficulties while doing something

뭔가 쉽게 하는 것

뭔가 쉽게 하는 것

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