'Do- Set- Go'의 연어 - 활동 및 활동(이동)
"go on a date" 및 "go Smooth"와 같은 예를 들어 행동과 활동을 설명하는 데 사용되는 'Go'가 포함된 영어 배열을 살펴보세요.
to travel or move to a foreign country or location, typically for the purpose of study, work, vacation, or residence
to physically move or travel a significant distance, often involving long journeys, road trips, etc.
to meet someone in a social or romantic context for the purpose of getting to know each other better
(of a group of employees) to refuse to work as a form of protest or to demand changes to their working conditions, pay, or other employment-related issues
to take actions or attack aggressively in a conflict or competition to gain an advantage
to access the Internet or be connected to the digital world through a computer, smartphone, or other electronic device
to sleep without resolving a disagreement or argument, resulting in lasting uneasy feelings
to walk in a way that is very fast and both feet are never on the ground at the same time, often for exercise or enjoyment
to use one's mouth to stimulate another person's genital area as a form of sexual activity

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