'Give- Keep- Come'의 연어 - 모니터링 및 유지(Keep)
"keep a watch" 및 "keep pair"와 같이 모니터링하고 유지하는 데 사용되는 'Keep'으로 영어 배열을 마스터하세요.
to maintain a written or digital account of information, events, or data for future reference
to record and track the points or results in a game, competition, or other similar activity
to closely observe someone or something to stay informed about their activities or whereabouts
to ensure that one has the latest news concerning someone or something
used to praise someone for their efforts and encouraging them to continue performing well
to maintain a physical or metaphorical separation from someone or something, often for safety, privacy, or respect
to regularly write and maintain a personal journal or record of one's thoughts, experiences, and daily activities
to regularly write and maintain a personal record of thoughts, experiences, and events
to monitor a particular area, situation, or person in order to be aware of any developments, changes, or potential dangers