여기에서는 Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 Speed와 관련된 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
done or moving at a fast pace with a sense of urgency or haste
서두르는, 급한
done quickly or without careful consideration
서두르는, 빠른
happening one after the other
빠른, 연속적인
able to move quickly and easily
민첩한, 빠른
occurring or moving with great speed
빠른, 신속한
moving or progressing at a faster rate than usual
가속된, 빠른
characterized by swiftness and rapid movement
done quickly without much time
서둘러, 급한
moving in a high speed
done quickly, rapidly, or briefly
moving, responding, or functioning at a slow pace
둔한, 느린
moving too slowly, hence falling behind
뒤처지는, 느린
happening in a relaxed and unrushed manner
느긋한, 여유로운
to slow down or reduce the speed of something
감속하다, 속도를 줄이다
to cease to make progress or move forward
정지하다, 속도가 줄어들다
to move rapidly
휘리릭 지나가다, 신속하게 이동하다
to speed up or accelerate
가속하다, 촉진하다
to become faster
속도를 높이다, 가속하다
to make a vehicle, machine or object move more quickly
가속하다, 속도를 높이다
to accelerate one's movement with a sense of speed or urgency
서두르다, 가속하다