Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 학위부사와 관련된 영어단어를 배워보겠습니다.
to an exceptional or remarkable degree
매우, 지극히
to a surprising extent or degree
놀랍게도, 특히
to a very great amount or degree
매우, 극도로
to a very high or exceptional degree
깊게, 극도로
to a degree more noticable and greater than usual
예외적으로, 특별히
to a very great degree
믿을 수 없을 만큼, 매우
to a large extent
믿을 수 없을 정도로, 대단히
in a manner that is important or large enough to be noticed or effective
상당히, 눈에 띄게
to a considerable extent or degree
상당히, 실질적으로
to an extreme or unreasonable degree
과도하게, 지나치게
in a manner that almost does not exist or occur
거의, 간신히
used to convey a sense of extreme rarity or absence
거의, 드물게
by a significant amount or to a significant extent
상당히, 많이
more than average, but not too much
상당히, 어느 정도
to an average extent or degree
to an extent or degree that is moderate or satisfactory
합리적으로, 적당하게
in a small amount, extent, or level
약간, 조금
to a great degree or extent
매우, 대폭
to a significantly large extent or by a considerable amount
극적으로, 상당히
nothing more than what is to be said
단순히, 오직
with no one or nothing else involved
오직, 단지
to a certain degree or extent in comparison to something else
상대적으로, 비교적