ここでは、アカデミック IELTS 試験に必要な、学位の副詞に関連する英単語を学びます。
to an exceptional or remarkable degree
非常に, 極めて
to a surprising extent or degree
驚くほど, 驚異的に
to a very great amount or degree
to a very high or exceptional degree
深く, 非常に
to a degree more noticable and greater than usual
例外的に, 特異に
to a very great degree
信じられないほど, 非常に
to a large extent
in a manner that is important or large enough to be noticed or effective
著しく, 大きく
to a considerable extent or degree
大幅に, 実質的に
to an extreme or unreasonable degree
過度に, 過剰に
in a manner that almost does not exist or occur
ほとんど, かろうじて
used to convey a sense of extreme rarity or absence
ほとんどない, 稀に
by a significant amount or to a significant extent
かなり, 相当に
more than average, but not too much
かなり, やや
to an average extent or degree
to an extent or degree that is moderate or satisfactory
合理的に, 適度に
in a small amount, extent, or level
わずかに, 少し
to a great degree or extent
大幅に, 広範囲に
to a significantly large extent or by a considerable amount
劇的に, 大幅に
nothing more than what is to be said
単に, のみ
with no one or nothing else involved
ただ, のみ
to a certain degree or extent in comparison to something else
比較的に, 相対的に