Academisch IELTS (Band 5 en Lager) - Bijwoorden van commentaar
Hier leert u enkele bijwoorden van commentaar die nodig zijn voor het Basic Academic IELTS-examen.
used to emphasize that one is being sincere and telling the truth, especially when the thing being said sounds surprising
eerlijk gezegd, oprecht
against what might be expected
verrassend, tegen de verwachting in
in a way that causes great surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
schokkend, verbluffend
in accordance with what is logical, typical, or expected
natuurlijk, logischerwijs
used for expressing that one hopes something will happen
hopelijk, met hoop
used to state one's opinion while emphasizing or summarizing its most important aspects
In wezen, In feite
in truth and practice even though not clearly stated
effectief, in feite
used to express that something positive or favorable has happened or is happening by chance
gelukkig, bij toeval
used to express regret or say that something is disappointing or sad
helaas, jammer genoeg