
500 Verbos Mais Comuns em Inglês - 326 - 350 verbos principais

Aqui você encontra a parte 14 da lista dos verbos mais comuns em inglês, como "lift", "kiss" e "chew".









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Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to gather

to come together in a place, typically for a specific purpose or activity

reunindo-se juntos

reunindo-se juntos

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to prefer

to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

preferindo alguém ou algo

preferindo alguém ou algo

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to attach

to physically connect or fasten something to another thing

anexando algo

anexando algo

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to challenge

to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action

desafiar alguém

desafiar alguém

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to match

to be the same as or similar to something else

sendo semelhante

sendo semelhante

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to lift

to move a thing from a lower position or level to a higher one

levantando algo

levantando algo

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to escape

to get away from captivity

escapando do cativeiro

escapando do cativeiro

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to kiss

to touch someone else's lips or other body parts with one's lips to show love, sexual desire, respect, etc.



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to attempt

to try to complete or do something difficult

to chew

to bite and crush food into smaller pieces with the teeth to make it easier to swallow



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to obtain

to get something, often with difficulty



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to upgrade

to improve a machine, computer system, etc. in terms of efficiency, standards, etc.

atualizando algo

atualizando algo

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to cheer

to encourage or show support or praise for someone by shouting



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to communicate

to exchange information, news, ideas, etc. with someone

comunicando-se com alguém

comunicando-se com alguém

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to complete

to bring something to an end by making it whole

completando algo

completando algo

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to admit

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

to ride

to sit on and control the movement of an animal, especially a horse

to separate

to divide or disconnect something from a larger whole

separando algo

separando algo

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to flip

to turn over quickly with a sudden move

ficando invertido

ficando invertido

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to land

to arrive and rest on the ground or another surface after being in the air

pousando com sucesso

pousando com sucesso

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to kick

to hit a thing or person with the foot

chutar alguém ou alguma coisa

chutar alguém ou alguma coisa

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to film

to capture or record moving images, typically using a camera or video recording device

filmando alguém ou algo

filmando alguém ou algo

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to observe

to carefully watch something in order gain knowledge or understanding about the subject

observando algo

observando algo

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to wash

to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap

lavando alguma coisa

lavando alguma coisa

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to disappear

to no longer be able be found or located, often leading to frustration



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