Livro Insight - Intermediário - Unidade 5 - 5C
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 5 - 5C no livro do curso Insight Intermediate, como "adquirir", "dar a volta", "cair", etc.
to confess and take responsibility for one's mistakes

confessar, assumir responsabilidade

to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

discutir, romper amizade

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

elaborar, criar

to fulfill expectations or standards set by oneself or others

cumprir com, estar à altura de

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

suportar, tolerar

to finally find the time, motivation, or opportunity to do something that has been postponed or delayed

encontrar tempo para, finalmente fazer