
Livro Insight - Avançado - Unidade 9 - 9D

Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 9 - 9D do livro do curso Insight Advanced, como "definir o ritmo", "mãos para baixo", "na corrida", etc.









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Insight - Advanced
across the board

affecting everyone or everything in a particular situation or group

algo que inclui todos

algo que inclui todos

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to race against time

to work as fast as possible to get something done within a very limited time

corrida contra o relógio

corrida contra o relógio

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neck and neck

used when two or more participants in a race or competition are very close and have an equal chance of winning

pescoço e pescoço

pescoço e pescoço

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in the running

having a chance to win or succeed, particularly in a competition

chance de ganhar

chance de ganhar

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par for the course

used of a situation, outcome, or behavior that is considered typical, expected, or unsurprising given the circumstances

típico (com base na situação)

típico (com base na situação)

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to break the habit

to put a stop to one's habit, particularly one that is harmful or dangerous

quebrar o hábito

quebrar o hábito

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hands down

in a way that is effortless or easy

sem esforço

sem esforço

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to level the playing field

to create equal opportunities for all individuals or groups, regardless of their background or circumstances

nivelar o campo de jogo

nivelar o campo de jogo

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to set the pace

to set a high standard or example for others to follow

ser pioneiro em algo

ser pioneiro em algo

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