Treinamento Geral IELTS (Faixa 5 e Abaixo) - Partes da cidade
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas às partes da cidade que são necessárias para o exame IELTS de treinamento geral.
a set of lights, often colored in red, yellow, and green, that control the traffic on a road

semáforo, sinais de trânsito

a marked place where people walk across a street

passagem de pedestres, faixa de pedestres

a big sign used for advertising, usually found near roads or highways

outdoor, placa de publicidade

a posted indicator providing information or directions on roads

sinal de tráfego, placa de rua

an area in which people leave their vehicles

estacionamento, parque de estacionamento

a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public


a place in which works of art are shown or sold to the public

galeria, salão de arte

an area in a town where where goods and services are bought and sold

mercado, praça de mercado

a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow


a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment and care

hospital, hospital (m)

a financial institution that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services


the office where a local police works

delegacia de polícia, esquadra de polícia

a building where firefighters stay and have the tools they need to help with fires and other emergencies

corpo de bombeiros, estação de bombeiros

a place where alcoholic and other drinks and light snacks are sold and served

bar, pub

a place that is open during nighttime in which people can dance, eat, and drink

clube noturno, discoteca

a place with special equipment that people go to exercise or play sports

academia, ginásio

any major public road that connects cities or towns

autoestrada, estrada nacional

a place where people, especially young people, go to dance, listen to music, or spend time together

clube, discoteca

a wide straight street in a town or a city, usually with buildings and trees on both sides

avenida, bairro

a wide street in a town or city, typically with trees on each side or in the middle


an open piece of land in a city or town that is four-sided and is usually surrounded by buildings

praça, quadro