Treinamento Geral IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Pobreza e Fracasso
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à pobreza e ao fracasso, necessárias para o exame IELTS de treinamento geral.
(of a person) incapable of achieving success in a specific profession

frustrado, desapontado

not providing satisfaction or a sense of completion, leaving one dissatisfied or disappointed

não satisfatório, insatisfatório

not bringing satisfaction, fulfillment, or positive outcomes

desmotivante, pouco gratificante

not generating a profit, gain, or financial benefit

não lucrativo, não rentável

incabable of being reached, achieved, or acquired, often referring to goals, objectives, or desires that remain unrealized

inalcançável, não alcançado

characterized by shortcomings, deficiencies, or a decline in quality

fracassado, em declínio

lacking access to essential resources or opportunities that are enjoyed by others, often due to social or economic factors

desprivilegiado, carente

facing challenges or hardships, often in the context of financial limitations or adversities

lutando, em dificuldades

a situation or event that causes bad luck or hardship for someone

desgraça, infortúnio

the act of yielding, giving up, or submitting to an opponent, authority, or circumstance

rendição, submissão

to inadequately direct something due to negligence or poor decision-making

gerir mal, administrar de forma inadequada

to experience financial failure or bankruptcy, often leading to the end or termination of a business or company

falir, ir à falência