Acadêmico IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Significance
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à Significância que são necessárias para o exame Acadêmico IELTS.
essential and highly important to a particular process, situation, or outcome

chave, fundamental

deserving of attention due to importance, excellence, or notable qualities

digno de nota, notável

well-known or easily recognizable due to importance, influence, or distinct features

proeminente, destacado

having the leading or primary position in terms of significance, importance, or rank

principal, mais importante

worthy of attention or recognition because it stands out due to its exceptional quality or distinct characteristics

excepcional, notável

having great importance and requiring immediate attention or action

imperativo, urgente

absolutely necessary or crucial, to the point that being replaced or substituted is not possible

indispensável, essencial

deserving of time, effort, or attention due to inherent value or benefits

vale a pena, valioso

having exceptional importance or significant impact

monumental, de importância excepcional