Matemática e Avaliação ACT - Praise
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas ao elogio, como "icônico", "surpreendente", "promissor", etc., que o ajudarão a se sair bem em seus ACTs.
evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerful and irresistible way

envolvente, convincente

good enough to meet the minimum standard or requirement

satisfatório, aceitável

widely recognized and regarded as a symbol of a particular time, place, or culture

icônico, emblemático

having a lot of respect, honor, and admiration in a particular field or society

prestigioso, prestigiosa

impressive and noble, often with a grand or dignified appearance

majestoso, majestosa

extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement

espetacular, impressionante

having the best or most effective condition or approach for achieving a favorable outcome under given circumstances

otimais, ideais

causing admiration because of size, skill, importance, etc.

impressionante, imponente

delightful due to qualities of beauty, suitability, or perfection

exquisito, delicioso

causing great surprise or amazement due to being impressive, unexpected, or remarkable

surpreendente, estonteante

beyond the usual or ordinary, often causing amazement or admiration due to its exceptional nature

fabuloso, maravilhoso

(particularly of a building or place) having a pleasant and charming appearance, often resembling a picture or painting

pitoresco, encantador

extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement

espetacular, impressionante

remarkably surprising or wonderful, often suggesting the presence of divine intervention

miraculosos, miraculosas

appealing to the desires or interests, often causing a strong urge to do or have something

tentador, apetitoso

in a manner providing advantages or favorable results

beneficialmente, de forma benéfica

having a quality that seems strange, mysterious, or beyond the natural world

outro-mundo, misterioso

in a splendid or magnificent manner, filled with joy and admiration

gloriosamente, de forma esplêndida