Животные - Насекомые-вредители и паразиты
Здесь вы узнаете названия различных видов насекомых-вредителей и паразитов на английском языке, таких как «хлопковая совка», «термит» и «вошь».
the larva of a noctuid moth that feeds on the reproductive structures of cotton plants and other crops

хлопковая совка
a small insect that feeds on beans and can cause significant damage to crops

бобовая муха
a cricket species that typically lives in meadows, fields, and other grassy areas

полевой крикет
a pest insect known for causing damage to various crops and emitting a foul odor when disturbed

коричневый мраморный вонючий клоп
the caterpillar of various species of noctuid moths that cut down young plants at or below the soil surface

Армейская совка
a moth caterpillar that is considered a major pest of maize and other crops in the Americas

осенняя совка
a type of plant-eating insect with a bright green body and a distinct triangular shape

зеленый вонючий клоп
a small insect that is a common pest of greenhouse-grown crops

оранжерейная белокрылка
a large grasshopper that lives in hot countries and flies in large swarms, destroying crops

a family of bugs, commonly known as plant bugs, that feed on the sap of plants

an insect pest that feeds on a variety of crops and fruits, and is known for causing damage to the plants

a small insect that feeds on the undersides of leaves, causing damage to crops and transmitting plant viruses

серебристолистная белокрылка
a small, slender insect with fringed wings that feeds on plant tissues and can transmit plant viruses

the larval stage of click beetles and is a common agricultural pest that feeds on the roots and stems of various crops

small, soil-dwelling arthropods that lack eyes and antennae, and are known for their elongated bodies and numerous leg-like structures called "pseudopods."

a small sap-sucking insect covered in a powdery wax coating that feeds on plant sap and can cause damage to crops and ornamental plants

мучнистый червец
a type of caterpillar that moves by contracting its body and has a characteristic looping or "inching" gait

a species of stink bug that feeds on a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and other plants

зеленый овощной жук
a genus of moths in the family Pyralidae whose larvae are agricultural pests that attack legumes such as cowpeas, beans, and soybeans

a type of pest insect that infests and damages the pods of bean plants

Марука Витрата
a type of moth larvae that feeds on the leaves and stems of a variety of crops, and can cause significant damage to agricultural fields

a small, sap-sucking insect that can cause significant damage to tobacco plants by feeding on their leaves and transmitting viruses

табачная белокрылка
a common agricultural pest that feeds on a variety of plants by piercing the leaves and sucking out their fluids

двухпятнистый паутинный клещ
a tiny bug that can harm plants by drinking their sap, but it can be dealt with using sprays or other bugs that eat them

красный паутинный клещ, красный паук
a small moth that is a major pest of brassica crops, and its larvae can cause significant damage by feeding on leaves and buds

Капустная моль
a pest insect that feeds on taro plants, causing significant damage to the leaves and tubers

гусеница таро
a small, reddish-brown beetle that feeds on stored grains and flour products

красный мучной жук
a small, green-colored aphid species that feeds on various plants, including peaches, peppers, and potatoes

зеленая персиковая тля
a small insect that feeds on the sap of cotton plants, causing damage to the crop

хлопковая тля
a small, brown-colored insect with piercing-sucking mouthparts that feeds on the sap of rice plants, causing damage to the plants and reducing crop yields

коричневый цикадка
a parasitic insect that feeds on the blood of dogs and other animals, and can transmit diseases

собачья блоха
a tick species prevalent in North America that can transmit diseases to both dogs and humans

американский собачий клещ
a small, blood-sucking insect that commonly infests cats, causing discomfort and potential health issues

кошачья блоха
a small brownish bug with an oval shape that feeds on the blood of humans or animals, mainly infesting houses and beds

a small leaping insect that feeds on the blood of humans or other animals, which spreads disease

a pale social insect living in hot countries that causes damage to trees and timber

a small insect with a fluffy, wool-like covering that infests plants and feeds on their sap

мохнатая тля