Книга Solutions - Элементарный уровень - Блок 7 - 7С
Здесь вы найдете словарь из модулей 7–7C учебника Solutions Elementary, например, «установить», «сканировать», «наконец» и т. д.
to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

to join a device such as a computer or cell phone to a computer network or the Internet

соединить, подключить

to send an electronic file such as a document, image, etc. from one digital device to another one, often by using the Internet

загрузить, выгрузить

to create a digital form of a picture or a document to store, edit, or view it on a computer

used to introduce the first and essential point or reason when presenting a series of statements

прежде всего
the energy that is obtained through different means, such as electrical or solar, to operate different equipment or machines

(technology) the origin or starting point of data, energy, or a process

a cable designed to carry electrical current from a power source to a device or appliance that requires electricity to operate

силовой кабель
a secret group of letters or numbers that allows access to a computer system or service

a number of interconnected electronic devices such as computers that form a system so that data can be shared

a folder or location on a computer where deleted files are temporarily stored before being permanently removed

корзина, корзина для файлов

a computer file, book, piece of paper etc. that is used as evidence or a source of information
