Одежда и Мода - Плащи и комбинезоны
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, относящиеся к плащам и цельным костюмам, такие как «халат», «комбинезон» и «пончо».
a loose garment without sleeves that is fastened at the neck and hangs from the shoulders, shorter than a cloak

a simple, sleeveless outer garment, worn over the body to provide warmth and protection from the elements

a loose-fitting garment, usually made of lightweight fabric, that is worn over swimwear or other clothing to conceal or protect the skin from the sun

прикрытие платье
a type of casual garment consisting of pants, a chest flap and straps over the shoulders, made of denim or other fabrics

a one-piece garment that combines a top and pants into a single piece of clothing

a one-piece, form-fitting garment that covers the torso, legs, and sometimes arms, often made of stretchy material such as spandex or latex

комбинезон, Кэтсьют
a type of garment that is draped around the body and fastened at the waist, often with a tie or belt

обёртка, платок

a woman's dress with a fitted bodice and a full skirt that falls loosely over the hips

a type of sturdy work wear trousers made from denim or cotton fabric, often with bib and shoulder straps

рабочие брюки
a loose-fitting garment in which the sleeve and the bodice of a garment are cut as one piece

Доломан, часть военной униформы
a formal cloak, typically floor-length, worn by men and women as an outer garment in formal events and the opera

оперный плащ
a loose sleeveless cloak worn as an outer garment, usually fastened at the neck and falling over the shoulders and back

a lace or silk veil worn by women over the head and shoulders, especially during religious or formal ceremonies

a short cloak or cape that covers the shoulders and upper arms, typically worn by women

мантию, пелерина

a traditional South American garment that is similar to a shawl or a poncho

манта, пончо

a long ecclesiastical cloak worn by clergy or by choristers in a church choir

каппа магна
a type of hood or hooded cloak, often made of wool or fur, that was popular in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries

плащ с капюшоном
a long hooded cloak or mantle typically made of wool and worn in North Africa and the Middle East

a type of one-piece garment that combines a top and shorts or pants
