Книга Interchange - Предсредний - Блок 2 - Часть 2
Здесь вы найдете словарный запас из Раздела 2 – Часть 2 учебника Interchange Pre-Intermediate, например, «центр города», «объяснить», «механик» и т. д.
a person who uses artistic and technical skills to create visual designs for websites, advertisements, logos, etc.

графический дизайнер
a person who practices or studies law, advises people about the law or represents them in court

a person whose job is repairing and maintaining motor vehicles and machinery

someone who has been trained to care for injured or sick people, particularly in a hospital

someone who is in charge of running a business or managing part or all of a company or organization

someone whose job is to protect people, catch criminals, and make sure that laws are obeyed

офицер полиции
a person who gathers and reports news or does interviews for a newspaper, TV, radio station, etc.

the person in front of a camera who talks about different topics or invites guests to a TV or radio show

someone whose job involves driving a taxi and taking people to different places

водитель такси
someone who teaches things to people, particularly in a school

учитель, учительница
toward or within the central or main business area of a town or city

в центре города
to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job

to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.

used to show that something continues or lasts up to a specific point in time and often not happening or existing after that time

до, до тех пор
to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it
