Коллокации с Другими Глаголами - Решение конфликта
Узнайте, как такие английские словосочетания, как «заложить основу» и «запустить ловушку», выражают конфликт и его разрешение на английском языке.
to create uncertainty or skepticism by questioning the truth or validity of something
Заставить кого-то или что-то воспринимать с сомнением
to establish the necessary foundation or preparation for a future project, plan, or idea
to intentionally provoke or initiate a conflict or argument with someone
затевать драку
to announce one's innocence in response to accusations, charges, or suspicions
to use physical force or aggressive actions as a means of achieving a goal or resolving a dispute
to trick someone into saying or doing something, often to make them reveal information without realizing it
to discharge a weapon, such as a gun, in response to an enemy's attack or incoming gunfire
to actively participate in a disagreement or conflict with someone
to be less impressive, important, or remarkable when compared to something else
кажутся менее важными или серьезными по сравнению с кем-то или чем-то другим
to become so unimportant or minor that it is hardly worth considering in comparison to something else
to cause someone to make a poor decision by providing them with incorrect guidance or misleading information
направлять кого - то в неправильном направлении
to devise or create a scheme, often one that is secretive or mischievous