Akademik IELTS (Bant 5 ve Altı) - Internet
Burada Temel Akademik IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan, İnternet ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
a network of information that is accessible to people when they use the internet

internet ağı
an electronic device that uses telephone lines to send and receive data between two computers

a web page on which an individual or group of people regularly write about a topic of interest or their opinions or experiences, usually in an informal style

special websites on the internet where people can communicate in real time

sohbet odası, çevrimiçi sohbet

a group of related data on the Internet with the same domain name published by a specific individual, organization, etc.

web sitesi
a number of interconnected electronic devices such as computers that form a system so that data can be shared

the technology that allows computers, cell phones, etc. to access the Internet or exchange data wirelessly

websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.

sosyal medya
an image that is the representation of a player in a game or an account on social media

a form of video content, often published on websites or social media platforms, where individuals or content creators share their personal experiences, expertise, or opinions through recorded videos in a blog-like format

video blog
a word or phrase coming after a hash sign '#' used on social media platforms so that one can access all messages with the same subject containing the same hashtag

a digital message that is sent from one person to another person or group of people using a system called email

to join a device such as a computer or cell phone to a computer network or the Internet

bağlamak, birleştirmek

a computer program that enables the user to read or look at information on the Internet

to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer

yüklemek (internet üzerinden), bilgiyi indirmek
to send an electronic file such as a document, image, etc. from one digital device to another one, often by using the Internet

yüklemek, göndermek

to start using a computer system, online account, or application by doing particular actions

bağlanmak (bilgisayar), sistemde oturum açmak
to stop a connection to an online account or computer system by doing specific actions

sistemden çıkmak
to search for information or content on the Internet using a search engine or other tools

arama yapmak, araştırmak