Книга Top Notch 1B - Розділ 9 - Урок 4
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 9 - Урок 4 підручника Top Notch 1B, як-от «аварія», «морська хвороба», «механічний» тощо.
a system or method for carrying people or goods from one place to another by cars, trains, etc.
an unexpected and unpleasant event that happens by chance, usually causing damage or injury
нещасний випадок
a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive
feeling sick or nauseous due to the motion of the ship or boat one is traveling with
морська хвороба, нудота на морі
feeling sick because of the motions experienced while traveling in a car
машинна хвороба, нудота в автомобілі
feeling nauseous and sick when on a moving aircraft
повітряна хвороба, нудота в літаку