Книга Top Notch 2B - Розділ 8 – Попередній перегляд
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 8 - Попередній перегляд у підручнику Top Notch 2B, наприклад «ювелірні вироби», «скульптура», «спонукання до роздумів» тощо.
a group of people or things that have similar characteristics or share particular qualities

the use of creativity and imagination to express emotions and ideas by making things like paintings, sculptures, music, etc.

a picture that was made using pens, pencils, or crayons instead of paint

малюнок, ескіз

objects such as necklaces, bracelets or rings, typically made from precious metals such as gold and silver, that we wear as decoration

ювелірні вироби
the styles and trends of clothing, accessories, makeup, and other items that are popular in a certain time and place

the art of shaping and engraving clay, stone, etc. to create artistic objects or figures

ваять скульптура
the process, art, or profession of capturing photographs or recording videos


causing one to seriously think about a certain subject or to consider it

той, що спонукає до роздумів

very strange, unusual, and not natural, in a way that is difficult to understand

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with women

фемінний, жіночий

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with men

чоловічий, маскулінний

based on real-world experience and observation rather than theoretical knowledge

практичний, реальний