Книга Solutions - Елементарний - Блок 7 - 7F
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділів 7–7F у підручнику Solutions Elementary, наприклад «вірусний», «кампанія», «форум» тощо.
websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.

Соціальні медіа
(of a video, picture, piece of news, etc.) shared quickly on social media among a lot of Internet users

віртуальний, вірусний

a word or phrase coming after a hash sign '#' used on social media platforms so that one can access all messages with the same subject containing the same hashtag

хештег, тег

a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal

кампанія, акція

(trademark) a social media platform and microblogging service available online that enables users to share short messages and interact with others


an arrangement based on which a user is given a private and personalized access to an online platform, application, or computer

обліковий запис
a global computer network that allows users around the world to communicate with each other and exchange information

a web page or website where people can share their opinions and ideas about a specific subject and respond to other users' comments

форум, платформа для обговорення

the process or provision of financial aid for something such as a charity or cause, usually through holding special events

фандрейзинг, збір коштів