Книга English Result - Нижче середнього - Блок 8 - 8B
Тут ви знайдете лексику з розділів 8 - 8B у підручнику English Result Pre-Intermediate, наприклад «тканина», «круглий», «метал» тощо.
the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree or shrub are made of, used for fuel or timber

a usually solid and hard substance that heat and electricity can move through, such as gold, iron, etc.

material used for making clothes, which is made by knitting or weaving silk, cotton, etc.

made or consisting of plastic, a substance produced in a chemical process

пластиковий, виготовлений з пластика

a hard material that is often clear and is used for making windows, bottles, etc.

скло, кришталь

a thick and stiff type of paper material that is often used for packaging and making boxes

картон, товстий картон

a set of dishes, typically made of porcelain or ceramic, used for serving and eating food

китайський посуд, фарфор