Книга Total English - Нижче середнього - Розділ 8 - Урок 3
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 8 - Уроку 3 підручника Total English Pre-Intermediate, наприклад «шнурок», «повідомлення», «перемога» тощо.
a bright flash, caused by electricity, in the sky or one that hits the ground from within the clouds

a long and thin string or cord that is passed through the hooks on a shoe and pulled tightly to fasten it

шнурок, шнур

a person who competes in short-distance races at a very fast speed

спринтер, бігун на короткі дистанції

the status or title that a person gains by being the best player or team in a competition

чемпіонат, титул чемпіона

each of the twenty-four time periods that exist in a day and each time period is made up of sixty minutes

a unit of measurement used to express speed or velocity in the metric system, representing the distance traveled in kilometers over the course of one hour

кілометри на годину, км/г