a collection of nests that a bird colony, such as rooks build for breeding

гніздо, колонія птахів

the money, estate, or goods brought by a bride or her family to her husband or his family on their marriage

посаг, доля

the condition of dying without a valid will, leaving the distribution of one's estate to be determined by the laws of intestate succession rather than specific instructions in a will

інтестатність, відсутність заповіту

the act of stealing something from someone, especially without breaking into a building

крадіжка, викрадення

a form of government in which the absolute power is held by a single person

автократія, автономія

the state of having peculiar, unusual, or strange trait or characteristic

дивність, особливість

a political system in which a small group of high-powered people control a country or organization


a person or entity who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another person or entity

поручитель, гарант

a person who performs a certain official purpose or duty, especially in government offices

чиновник, службовець

the act of being artfully dishonest to deceive people or achieve something

обман, хитрування

a place, such as a factory, where dairy products, including butter and cheese, are prepared or sold

маслоробня, молочна фабрика