Загальна Підготовка IELTS (Рівень 8 і Вище) - Стать і сексуальність
Тут ви дізнаєтеся кілька англійських слів, пов’язаних із статтю та сексуальністю, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
related to a person who is sexually and emotionally attracted to people regardless of their gender or sex

пансексуальний, пансексуальна

someone who enjoys wearing clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex

трансвестит, трансвеститка

a heterosexual man who blames women and society for his lack of romantic success

інцел, гетеросексуальний чоловік

a gender identity where an individual partially identifies as male, while also identifying with another gender to some degree

демібой, демі-чоловік

a gender identity where an individual was assigned female at birth but does not fully identify with being a woman, socially or mentally

демігіл, полудівчина

possessing both male and female characteristics or displaying a gender-neutral appearance

андрогінний, андрогін

a person who sometimes wears clothes associated with the members of a different gender

крос-дресер, людина

an individual who was assigned female at birth but now identifies as a male

трансчоловічий, транс-маскулінний

an individual, typically assigned male at birth, who identifies with femininity

трансфемінний, транс-жінка