Академічний IELTS (Рівень 6-7) - Фізичні дії та реакції
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з фізичними діями та реакціями, які необхідні для іспиту Academic IELTS.
to hit or punch lightly and quickly, often in a playful or teasing manner

покушати, дотикати

to beat someone or something with a closed fist quickly and forcefully

бити кулаком
to push forcefully with a quick, strong movement, often using hands or body

штовхати, тулити

to cause injury to the surface of one's skin by rubbing it against something rough

сіромахи, подряпати

to push a knife or other sharp object into someone to injure or kill them

впустити, колоти

to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict

боротися, супротивитися

to attack or handle someone or something roughly, causing severe injury or damage

молоти, жорстоко нападати

to beat or strike repeatedly with force, often in a violent or uncontrolled manner

бити, колотити

to quickly and unexpectedly attack a group or place to surround and capture them

накидатися, нападати

to hit or strike heavily with the hand or a blunt object, producing a dull, muffled sound

вдарити, стукнути

to deliver a quick, sharp punch with a straight arm, often used in boxing to hit an opponent

штовхнути швидко, нанести різкий удар

to wrestle or struggle closely with someone, using hands or the body

боротися, припадати