Гуманітарні Науки SAT - Позитивне ставлення
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з позитивним ставленням, наприклад «геніальний», «розважливий», «відданість» тощо, які вам знадобляться, щоб отримати SAT.
a state of calmness and self-control, especially in difficult or challenging situations

самообладання, спокій

the quality of being ready or glad to do something when the time comes or if the need arises

готовність, бажання

a general tendency to look on the bright side of things and to expect positive outcomes

the support given by the members of a group to each other because of sharing the same opinions, feelings, goals, etc.


a polite and respectful expression, either through words or actions, that shows high regard or esteem for someone

повага, шанування

a supportive or favorable attitude towards an opinion, goal, or viewpoint, indicating agreement or understanding

симпатія, сопереживання

a strong and natural liking or sympathy toward someone or something

афінність, симпатія

not worried, concerned, or affected by something that might typically cause disturbance

незворушний, байдуже

determined, firm, and unwavering in one's beliefs, decisions, or actions

рішучий, твердо налаштований

having or displaying a strong will to achieve a goal despite the challenges or obstacles

having a desire to learn many different things and asks many questions to gain knowledge or understanding

дослідливий, цікавий

showing regret or remorse for a fault, mistake, or offense

вибачливий, апологетичний

powerful and impactful, often addressing issues directly and forcefully to persuade or influence others

жорсткий, гострий

(of interpersonal relations) behaving with friendliness and without disputing

дружелюбний, мирний

not backing off when things are becoming more challenging

незворотний, стійкий

(of a person) genuine, truthful, and honest in one's intentions, feelings, and actions

щирий, чесний

in a way that shows the ability to consider and understand the feelings of others

емпатично, з емпатією

to feel amazed or puzzled by something extraordinary or remarkable

диво́ватися, вража́тися

to take great pleasure or delight in an experience or activity

насолоджуватися, втішатись

to hold dear and deeply appreciate something or someone

цінувати, бережно ставитися