supporting the notion that all humans are equal and should be given equal rights

برابری پسند, برابری پرست

very small in size, related to the fictional country of Lilliput in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels"

لیلیپوٹین, بہت چھوٹا

characterized by wild, drunken, and riotous behavior, often associated with excessive indulgence in pleasure, particularly in the context of revelry or celebration

بکچنی, دیو نیسي

belonging to or characteristic of the common people, often associated with lower social or economic status

پلیبیائی, عام

pertaining to the legendary King Arthur and the stories, characters, and themes associated with the Arthurian legend

آرتھرین, آرتھر سے متعلق

done deliberately and intentionally, often with determination or stubbornness

جان بوجھ کر, عناداً

(of a person or statement) telling the truth without deceit or falsehood

سچائی, ایماندار

feeling sorrow or disappointment about a past action, decision, or outcome

پچھتاوا, نادم

failing to fulfill one's responsibilities or obligations, often resulting in harm or detriment towards others

غافل, بےپروا

causing intense fear, terror, or alarm due to its shocking or alarming nature

خوفناک, دہشت ناک