الملابس والموضة - قمصان
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالقمصان مثل "jersey"، "blouse"، و"tunic".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
a casual short-sleeved shirt with no collar, usually made of cotton

تي شيرت, قميص قصير الأكمام

a shirt designed for athletic activities that is typically made of breathable, moisture-wicking materials

قميص رياضي, تيشيرت رياضي

a close-fitting top with no sleeves or collar that is held up by shoulder straps

قمصان بدون أكمام, قميص ضيق بدون أكمام

a close-fitting top made of a stretchy fabric, with no straps, worn by women

قميص أنبوب, توب أنبوب

a piece of clothing usually worn by men on the upper half of the body, typically with a collar and sleeves, and with buttons down the front

قميص, بلوزة

a garment made of knitted fabric that covers the upper body, typically with short or long sleeves

قمة محبوكة, بلوزة محبوكة

a casual short-sleeved shirt with a few buttons under its collar, usually made of cotton

قميص بولو, تيشيرت بولو

a type of blouse made with delicate lace fabric, often featuring intricate patterns and designs

بلوزة دانتيل, قميص دانتيل

a crop top is a short shirt that exposes the midriff, typically worn by women

بلوزة قصيرة, قميص قصير

a morning gown, is a loose-fitting robe or coat that was popular for men in the 18th century, typically made of silk or cotton and worn over a shirt and breeches

بانيان, روب المنزل

a type of dress shirt that has a heavily starched front, giving it a stiff and formal appearance

قميص مغلي, قميص نشأ

a loose-fitting shirt typically made of breathable cotton and worn in hot climates

قميص بوش, قميص فضاء

a formal shirt, often worn by men, that can be worn under a jacket or tuxedo

قميص رسمي, قميص أنيق

a type of red shirt, typically worn as a uniform by various organizations, named after the Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi


a casual shirt that has a collarless neckline and a button-up front

قميص جد, قميص بدون ياقة

a blouse-like garment that covers the neck and chest, often worn under a jumper or pinafore dress


a loose-fitting, collarless, and typically white or navy shirt with a square neckline and mid-length sleeves

بلوزة ميدي, قميص ميدي

a woman's blouse that is worn untucked and over the waistband of a skirt or trousers

بلوزة طويلة, بلوزة فوق