বই English File - শুরুর - পাঠ 3A
এখানে আপনি ইংরেজি ফাইল বিগিনার কোর্সবুকের পাঠ 3A থেকে শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন, যেমন "ঘড়ি", "পাসপোর্ট", "ছাতা" ইত্যাদি।
a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

মোবাইল ফোন, সেলফোন

a flat, small, portable computer that one controls and uses by touching its screen

ট্যাবলেট, ট্যাব

a pocket-sized, folding case that is used for storing paper money, coin money, credit cards, etc.

ওয়ালেট, ছোট পার্স

a tool with a slim piece of wood and a thin, colored part in the middle, that we use for writing or drawing

পেন্সিল, pencil

a small book with plain or ruled pages that we can write or draw in

নোটবুক, কথা লেখার খাতা

a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly


any official card that shows someone's name, birth date, photograph, etc., proving who they are

আইডি কার্ড, পরিচয় পত্র

an official document issued by a government that identifies someone as a citizen of a particular country, which is needed when leaving a country and entering another one


an object with a circular folding frame covered in cloth, used as protection against rain or sun

ছাতা, সূর্যছাতা

a device or piece of equipment for taking photographs, making movies or television programs

ক্যামেরা, ছবি তোলা যন্ত্র

a plastic card, usually given to us by a bank, that we use to pay for goods and services

ক্রেডিট কার্ড, ব্যাংক কার্ড

a small plastic card we use to pay for what we buy with the money taken directly from our bank account

ডেবিট কার্ড, ব্যাংক কার্ড

a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking or unlocking a door, starting a car, etc.

কী, চাবি

a special kind of picture that is made using a camera in order to make memories, create art, etc.

ফটোগ্রাফি, ছবি