Kniha Solutions - Základní - Jednotka 6 - 6C
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 6 - 6C v učebnici Solutions Elementary, jako je „šplhat“, „stan“, „spoléhat se“ atd.
a plant with thin, short, and green upright leaves, commonly found in gardens, parks, etc.
tráva, trávník
a large animal with sharp claws and thick fur, which eats meat, honey, insects, and fruits
medvěd, hnědý medvěd
an animal's foot that typically has a combination of nails, claws, fur, and pads
tlapa, noha
a shelter that usually consists of a long sheet of cloth, nylon, etc. supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, that we especially use for camping
stan, přístřešek
a portable, padded, and zippered bag used for sleeping, typically outdoors or while camping
furniture with a back and often four legs that we can use for sitting
to turn our eyes toward a person or thing that we want to see
podívat se, dívat se
to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time
běžet, uspěchat se
to move forward at a regular speed by placing our feet in front of each other one by one
chodit, kráčet
to go upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock for sport
šplhat, vystoupat