Kniha Four Corners 2 - Jednotka 3 Lekce C
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 3 lekce C v učebnici Four Corners 2, jako je „cookie“, „skládačka“, „by“ atd.
any game that is consisted of a board with movable objects on it

deskova hra, hrací deska

a strategic two-player board game where players move pieces with different abilities across a board with the objective of capturing the opponent's king

šachy, hra šachy

a sweet baked treat typically made with flour, sugar, and other ingredients like chocolate chips or nuts

sušenka, cookie

a picture on a cardboard that is cut into different pieces and one should fit them together in order for the picture to become whole again

skládačka, puzzle

a type of snack made from a type of corn kernel that expands and puffs up when heated

popcorn, prorostlá kukuřice