
Kniha Four Corners 2 - Lekce 6 Lekce A

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 6 Lekce A v učebnici Four Corners 2, jako je „dokumentární“, „naděje“, „preferuji“ atd.









Začněte se učit
Four Corners 2

a movie or TV show, made by photographing a series of drawings or models rather than real people or objects



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a movie or TV program based on true stories giving facts about a particular person or event



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a genre of literature, film, or television that deals with serious or emotional themes, often involving conflicts and tensions between characters



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game show

a television or radio program where people compete against each other to win prizes

herní show

herní show

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the news

a television or radio broadcast or program of the latest news



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reality show

a type of TV show where people are filmed going about their daily lives or doing challenges in order to entertain the audience

realitní show

realitní show

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a type of television show that uses humor to tell stories about everyday situations and relationships between characters, typically set in a fixed location such as a home or workplace

situační komedie

situační komedie

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soap opera

a TV or radio show, broadcast regularly, dealing with the routine life of a group of people and their problems

Televizní drama s dramatickými příběhy

Televizní drama s dramatickými příběhy

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[Podstatné jméno]
talk show

a type of TV or radio program on which famous people appear as guests to answer questions about themselves or other subjects

talk show

talk show

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[Podstatné jméno]
to hope

to want something to happen or be true

něco si přát

něco si přát

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in a short time from now

již brzy

již brzy

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to miss

to feel sad because we no longer can see someone or do something

chybí někdo nebo něco

chybí někdo nebo něco

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to want

to wish to do or have something



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to dislike

to not like a person or thing

nemít rád

nemít rád

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to see

to notice a thing or person with our eyes



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to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

sledovat někoho nebo něco

sledovat někoho nebo něco

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to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

poslouchat někoho nebo něco

poslouchat někoho nebo něco

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to like

to feel that someone or something is good, enjoyable, or interesting

to love

to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

milovat někoho nebo něco

milovat někoho nebo něco

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to prefer

to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

preferovat někoho nebo něco

preferovat někoho nebo něco

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to hate

to really not like something or someone

nenávidět někoho nebo něco

nenávidět někoho nebo něco

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