
Denní Život - Zdraví a hygiena

Osvojte si anglická přísloví týkající se zdraví a hygieny, jako „čistota je vedle zbožnosti“ a „zaplaťte řezníkovi lépe než lékaři“.







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Daily Life
an onion a day keeps everyone away

used to suggest that the strong odor of onions can make people avoid one

cleanliness is next to godliness

used to imply that being clean and hygienic is important for spiritual purity and overall well-being

čistota je vedle zbožnosti

čistota je vedle zbožnosti

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a good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book

used to suggest that laughter and rest can be powerful tools for promoting mental and physical health

dobrý smích a dlouhý spánek jsou nejlepší léky v doktorské knize

dobrý smích a dlouhý spánek jsou nejlepší léky v doktorské knize

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an apple a day keeps the doctor away

used to suggest that eating healthy foods, such as apples, can help to prevent illness and keep one healthy

better to be poor and healthy than rich and sick

used to emphasize the importance of prioritizing health and well-being over material wealth, implying that good health is more essential for a fulfilling life

lepší být chudý a zdravý než bohatý a nemocný

lepší být chudý a zdravý než bohatý a nemocný

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better pay the butcher than the doctor

used to suggest that investing in a healthy and balanced diet can help to prevent illness and reduce the need for costly medical treatment

lépe zaplatí řezníkovi než lékaři

lépe zaplatí řezníkovi než lékaři

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an empty sack cannot stand upright

used to suggest that having enough nourishment through food is essential for carrying out one's duties effectively

prázdný pytel nemůže stát vzpřímeně

prázdný pytel nemůže stát vzpřímeně

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the best advice is found on the pillow

used to suggest that taking time to reflect and think things over before going to sleep can lead to better decision-making and finding solutions to problems

nejlepší rada se nachází na polštáři

nejlepší rada se nachází na polštáři

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early to bed, (and) early to rise

used to imply that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, with sufficient hours of sleep can have a positive impact on one's health, productivity, and overall well-being

brzy spát a brzy vstát

brzy spát a brzy vstát

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it is ill speaking between a full man and a fasting

used to advise against having serious conversations or arguments when one person is well-fed and satisfied while the other is hungry and irritable, as it may lead to misunderstandings and conflict

night brings counsel

used to imply that a good night's sleep and taking time to reflect on a problem or decision can lead to greater clarity and perspective, resulting in better decision-making

noc přináší radu

noc přináší radu

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after dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile

used to encourage individuals to prioritize their health and well-being, and to recognize the potential benefits of different activities after meals

po večeři chvíli spát, po večeři projít míli

po večeři chvíli spát, po večeři projít míli

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