Zájmena a Determinanty - Osobní archaická zájmena
Archaická zájmena byla používána v minulosti, ale většinou byla nahrazena standardními zájmeny v moderním použití.
(the archaic singular form of the second-person pronoun) used to address or refer to a single individual informally or intimately in the past
ty, tvoje
(the archaic singular form of the second-person pronoun) used to refer to a person who is the object of the sentence, with a familiar or intimate connotation
tobě, tebe
(the archaic plural form of the second-person pronoun) used to address or refer to multiple individuals in the past
Vy, Vy (množné číslo)
(the archaic reflexive form of the singular second-person pronoun) used when the addressee is both the subject and object of the sentence
sám sebe, sám sebe
(the archaic form of the second person possessive pronoun) used to ascribe ownership to the addressee
tvůj, tvá
(the archaic form of the second person possessive pronoun) used to ascribe ownership of something to the addressee
tvůj, tvá