Névmások és Determinánsok - Személyes archaikus névmások
Az archaikus névmásokat a múltban használták, de a mai használatban többnyire felváltották őket a szokásos névmások.
(the archaic singular form of the second-person pronoun) used to address or refer to a single individual informally or intimately in the past

te, téged

(the archaic singular form of the second-person pronoun) used to refer to a person who is the object of the sentence, with a familiar or intimate connotation

neked, téged

(the archaic plural form of the second-person pronoun) used to address or refer to multiple individuals in the past

Ti, Titeket

(the archaic reflexive form of the singular second-person pronoun) used when the addressee is both the subject and object of the sentence

magad, magad

(the archaic form of the second person possessive pronoun) used to ascribe ownership to the addressee

a tiéd, a tiéd