Das Buch Solutions - Fortgeschritten - Einheit 9 - 9G
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 9 – 9G im Solutions Advanced-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „grundlegend“, „imperativ“, „entscheidend“ usw.
noting or highlighting mistakes or imperfections
kritisch, analytisch
extremely important or essential, often having a significant impact on the outcome of a situation
entscheidend, wesentlich
related to the core and most important or basic parts of something
grundlegend, fundamental
important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact
bedeutend, wichtig
having great importance and requiring immediate attention or action
imperativisch, dringend
very necessary for a particular purpose or situation
wesentlich, unverzichtbar
powerful enough to determine the outcome of something
entscheidend, maßgeblich
absolutely necessary and of great importance
lebenswichtig, essenziell