Kollokationen von 'Give- Keep- Come' - Bereitstellung immaterieller Dinge (Geben)
Entdecken Sie englische Kollokationen mit „Give“, mit denen das Bereitstellen immaterieller Dinge beschrieben wird, mit Beispielen wie „den Eindruck erwecken“ und „einen Vortrag halten“.
to offer an opportunity or possibility for someone to demonstrate their abilities, potential, or ideas in a given context
to offer someone the option to make a decision between two or more alternatives or possibilities
to deliver a formal presentation in front of a group of people about a specific topic
to formally inform someone or an organization about a decision, intention, or impending action
to make an attempt at doing or trying something, often with the intent of testing one's abilities or exploring a new experience
to assign a higher level of importance to a particular task or action over others
to convey or create a specific perception, feeling, or idea in the minds of others through one's words, actions, or appearance