Interjektionen - Interjektionen zum Bestellen von Tieren
Diese Interjektionen werden verwendet, wenn eine Person dressierten Tieren wie Pferden, Hunden usw. Befehle erteilen möchte.
used to encourage a horse to move forward or to increase its speed

Los, Buttercup! Mach ein bisschen schneller.

used in horse riding and driving to encourage a horse to move forward or to increase its pace

Auf, Thunder! Schneller!

used with horses, particularly in Western riding and ranching contexts, to encourage them to move forward or increase their pace

Los, Partner!

used in driving or guiding draft animals, such as horses or oxen, to turn to the left

Haw, Daisy! Wir gehen zum Nordfeld.

used in horseback riding, particularly in Western riding styles, to encourage a horse to move forward or increase its speed

Los!, Hü!

used to direct camels to stand, sit, or move in a certain direction

Hooshta, Karawane! Lassen Sie uns weiterziehen.

used to instruct donkeys to move forward

Proot, Jasper! Lass uns den Weg entlang gehen.

used to instruct a sheepdog to circle clockwise around a group of livestock and bring them closer to the handler

Komm her, Rex! Wir müssen die Schafe zur Schur sammeln.

used in dog training, particularly in obedience training or when teaching a dog to walk or run alongside its handler

Los, Max! Komm in die Gänge.

used in foxhunting to urge the hounds to pursue the fox or to signal excitement during the hunt

Los!, Auf geht's!