Bildung - Bildungsniveaus und -stufen
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter, die sich auf Bildungsniveaus und -stufen beziehen, wie z. B. „Grundschulbildung“, „Sekundarschulbildung“ und „Hochschulbildung“.
the formal and informal learning experiences provided to young children, typically between the ages of birth and eight years old, to support their holistic development

frühkindliche Bildung, Bildung im frühen Kindesalter

the formal educational experiences designed for children before they enter primary school, typically between the ages of three and six

Vorschulerziehung, Vorschulbildung

the first stage of formal schooling, typically covering basic academic subjects and foundational skills for children between the ages of five and twelve

Grundschulbildung, Primarstufe

the stage of schooling that follows primary education, typically involving more specialized subjects and serving students aged approximately 12 to 18

Sekundarschule, Sekundärbildung

the stage of schooling following primary education and preceding upper secondary education, typically covering the middle school years for students aged approximately 12 to 15

untere Sekundarstufe, Hauptschule

the final stage of schooling, typically for ages 15 to 18, preparing students for higher education or employment

obere Sekundarstufe, Sekundarstufe II

educational programs that follow secondary education but are not classified as tertiary education, typically offering vocational or technical training

nicht-tertiäre nachsecondary Bildung, berufliche Bildung nach der Sekundarstufe

education after high school, such as college, vocational training, or professional certification

Tertiärbildung, Hochschulbildung

education at a university or similar educational institution that grants one an academic degree at the end

Hochschulbildung, höhere Bildung

the academic programs pursued after the completion of a bachelor's degree

Postgraduiertenbildung, Nach dem Studium