Μουσική - Ακούγοντας μουσική
Εδώ θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις που σχετίζονται με την ακρόαση μουσικής όπως "stereo", "vinyl" και "album".
equipment that transforms electrical signals into sound, loud enough for public announcements, playing music, etc.
a sound system that plays back a recorded sound, music, etc. through two or more channels, producing a three-dimensional effect
a set of musical pieces or songs listed in the same order in which they appear on a recording
the flat and circular part of a record player on which the record is placed in order to be played
a record made of synthetic resin or plastic, used in the past before CDs became popular
the side of a musical record that is regarded as the main release and is more likely to be successful
a piece of equipment or the software that is needed for copying sound or other information on a CD
a radio, CD player, etc. that is carried around in order to play loud music, especially rap
something such as a book, record, etc. that consists of different pieces taken from several sources
an album of popular music the tracks of which are unified around a particular theme or idea
all of the records or a list of the records that have been created by a particular singer, composer or musical band
a stereophonic radio and CD or tape player that is portable and produces a very loud sound
a device that has two pieces that cover the ears and is used to listen to music or sounds without others hearing
a large disk with plastic coating on which information, such as music, video, etc., can be stored, now replaced by the DVD
a set of recorded songs and pieces of music that have been selected to be broadcast on a radio station or a radio program
a round, thin piece of plastic with a hole in the middle, on which music, etc. is recorded
a playback device with a spinning turntable that tracks the record and transmits it to a loudspeaker
a CD or a musical record that has only one main song, often released separately from an album to promote it
a piece of equipment used for playing recorded music, making a live performance, or turning up sound through speakers
a number of music pieces or songs sold as a single item, normally on a CD or the internet
a music recording that contains more tracks than a single but fewer tracks than a full album
a single audio track that is part of a larger collection of songs, typically found on an album or an EP
a small disc on which audio or other formats are recorded and could be played back by a player or computer using laser