
Γενική Εκπαίδευση IELTS (Ζώνη 5 και Κάτω) - Εντολή και χορήγηση αδειών

Εδώ, θα μάθετε μερικές αγγλικές λέξεις που σχετίζονται με το Command and Giving Permissions που είναι απαραίτητες για την εξέταση IELTS General Training.









Ξεκινήστε να μαθαίνετε
Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (5)
to command

to give an official order to a person or an animal to perform a particular task



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to manage

to control or handle something in a skillful or effective way

to control

to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done

έχοντας τον απόλυτο έλεγχο

έχοντας τον απόλυτο έλεγχο

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to rule

to control and be in charge of a country

κυβερνώντων ανθρώπων ή ενός τόπου

κυβερνώντων ανθρώπων ή ενός τόπου

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to order

to give an instruction to someone to do something through one's authority



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to allow

to let someone or something do a particular thing

επιτρέποντας κάτι

επιτρέποντας κάτι

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to let

to allow something to happen or someone to do something

επιτρέποντας κάτι

επιτρέποντας κάτι

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to prohibit

to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law



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to forbid

to not give permission typically through the use of authority, rules, etc.

απαγορεύοντας κάτι

απαγορεύοντας κάτι

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to ban

to officially forbid a particular action, item, or practice

απαγορεύοντας κάτι

απαγορεύοντας κάτι

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to restrict

to bring someone or something under control through laws and rules

περιορίζοντας κάποιον ή κάτι

περιορίζοντας κάποιον ή κάτι

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to limit

to not let something increase in amount or number

to force

to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to

αναγκάζοντας κάποιον να κάνει κάτι

αναγκάζοντας κάποιον να κάνει κάτι

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to push

to influence someone to do something, particularly something that might be against their will

to enforce

to make individuals to behave in a particular way

to compel

to make someone do something



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to press

to try very hard to persuade someone to do something

to insist

to urgently demand someone to do something or something to take place

to permit

to allow something or someone to do something

επιτρέποντας κάτι

επιτρέποντας κάτι

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to follow

to act accordingly to someone or something's advice, commands, or instructions

to impose

to force someone to do what they do not want

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