Συμπλοκές των 'Make- Take- Have' - Χρόνος, Ευθύνη ή Σώμα (Λήψη)
Εξερευνήστε τις αγγλικές συνθέσεις με το "Take" που χρησιμοποιείται για την περιγραφή χρόνου, ευθύνης ή σώματος με παραδείγματα όπως "take ages" και "take charge".
to consider someone or something as important or deserving of attention
to position oneself or others on the side of a group for protection or a strategic advantage, typically in a military context
to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved
to require a very long time to complete something, often much longer than expected or necessary
to consume or use illegal substances, such as heroin or cocaine, by the use of mouth, injection, or inhalation
to accept or receive an expression of dissatisfaction or criticism from a customer, client, etc. regarding a product, service, or experience